![]() As a young child what did you daydream about? What are your first fond memories of childhood? As a young girl, I was always drawn to the riverfront. I would ride my bike down to the river and gaze at the Detroit skyline. I would sit by myself for an hour or so. I would feel the grass between my feet. I would look at the tall buildings across the way. I could hear the freightliner sounding it's horn and watch the birds in the sky. Imagine a 10 year old sitting by themselves just dreaming and staring off at the skyline for over an hour. No other friends. Just me and all the other people off in the short distance walking by. It makes me recognize my independence today. I am more productive when in solitude but love to be surrounded by interesting and loving people. I tend to travel and live in places close to water and with beautiful tall buildings surrounding me. It's a combination of architecture mixed in with nature. For me I choose places such as New York or Waikiki. Others may prefer Easter Island or Machu Picchu. I must have a view of a city skyline and lots of people around for the energy! I also grew up in a dance studio and that was my 'play' place. Music, costumes, learning new steps, movement and lots of people around me in the classroom. Yes, I always preferred the solo routines on stage with the bright blinding spotlight. Nobody but me, my music, a spotlight and a loving audience surrounding me with love. I share this memory with you because of late, I have noticed my clients are completely stumped by my first two basic questions that I ask them: 1) What is the vision of your business and why do you want it to be successful? 2) What was it that you wanted to be when you were a younger person and why did you not pursue that dream? Some are in businesses that do not hold true to their authentic self. Others are in businesses they think they 'should' do. Even as I write this today, more of my own memories flood my mind and I recognize how much more of what I do today is reflective of my childhood. After reading the next questions, I want you to think of what brought you joy and take 5 minutes daydreaming and 30 minutes to write down those memories. I want you to think about your favourite place to play when you were a child. Were you alone or were you with many friends? Did you sit back on a couch and read a book by yourself or were you playing stick ball on the streets with all of your friends. Were you the leader? Were you the instigator? Did you prefer to have others to take centre stage? What was it that you wanted to be when you grew up? What did you do on a daily or weekly basis that brought you joy? Ready!...Now sit back, close your eyes and remember those fond childhood memories. Afterwards ask yourself what you can do to bring more of that into your business and life. To your success, Floydilou
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![]() If ever I am given a longer deadline, I tend to procrastinate. There always seems to be a negative connotation with the word, however, I love the strength it has. Why I believe procrastination works: 1. When you procrastinate there becomes an immediate deadline. 2. You get it done because you are not distracted. 3. Decisions can be made quicker and easily because there is less choices. You are targeted. 4. You can focus with just that one subject at hand. 5. You are living life in the now. We tend to complicate things when given too much time; we think, we stress, we over-compensate. If you do not want the label of being a procrastinator, may I suggest you give yourself shorter deadlines. Personally, I don't mind the label of being a procrastinator. I know that I get things done. I do them well, if not better because I am in the present and only have the best options from which to choose. To getting it done fast!, Floydilou ![]() We all have our story as to why we can't or shouldn't. Our stories are so strongly developed that we don't even notice them and how they can hold us back from our full potential. The good stories we create will propel us forward. The bad ones are just excuses. They may sound like this, "when I {fill in the blank}, I will {fill in the blank} or words such as 'because", 'due to", "that's how I roll". So if we don't notice this pattern who will? A professional coach or mentor is my favourite choice. They are not attached to your outcome emotionally. They help you to discover it on your own and guide you to your next steps. Choose a coach or mentor who is where you want to be, not where you are at. Have them stretch you. A spouse or close friend may be able to help a bit, but they are emotionally attached. They are most likely on your same playing field too. They may have the same stories as you (the old adage, of like attracts like) You want somebody who can stretch you. I was caught in one of my 'stories' just the other day. I am making plans to move part-time to a Spanish speaking city. While visiting the city in preparation, my husband suggests I start learning the language during the trip. My response, "When I get here, I will learn". He replies, "You are here now." Busted! Thankfully I have the skills and tools to change the thought pattern. It's great to have someone call you out on your story. It is even better when they can guide you and assist you with accountability. As mentioned, a spouse, friend or colleague most likely will not take you to the next steps. A mentor, consultant or coach will. Get called out on your story! You will feel liberated knowing what to do next which will move you onward and upward. You will learn the skills and have the tools in your kit. I would love to help or refer you to the best suitable coach or mentor. To your success, Floydilou ![]() _The other night I was watching the T.V. show, Restaurant Impossible. At the end of the show, the restaurant owner, filled with emotion, says, "It's light, bright and a new lease on life." Tears came to my eyes as I watched this hard working boomer who was 'stuck'. He owned and operated his business for 30 years and he was desperate to bring pride back to himself and his wife. The restaurant wasn't doing well and that made him feel like a failure. Not true! Sometimes you just need to allow yourself to hand over your control to someone else who can see you and your business in its best light. It will give you a new lease on life. I enjoy make-over shows, whether it's for homes, businesses or people. My friend, Jenn Merritt , coined me as the 'transformation specialist'. I know how to transform people, places and businesses with my vast experience (mentioned below)...and I get my 'high' when we can do it quickly and affordably for you. A common phrase the astonished recipient of home or place transformations is , "It's so light, bright and airy!" You can feel their burdens being lifted. You can feel the new energy it provides. The next time you watch one of those 'room make-over' shows, I guarantee that you will most likely hear the words, light, bright and airy. Yep, you will think of me with a smirk on your face. Another common phrase always said after a personal transformation is, "Look at my eyes!" or "I can't believe I can look this good!" It's as though they are seeing themselves being beautiful for the first time with a new set of eyes....and it's only make-up! ...or hair...or clothes. 5 Action Steps To Start Transforming Your LIfe: 1) Treat yourself. Make the decision to re-direct your money to the one 'stuck' thing that bothers you most. You are worth it. 2) Personal Clutter - Hire a clutter coach. Hire a professional organizer. Hire a friend who is really good at organizing. 3) Mind Clutter - Start reading good personal development books. Do daily affirmations in front of your mirror. Write things down. 4) Business Clutter - Hire someone who is good a putting systems into place. Systems will give you freedom. 5) Home Clutter - Hire a professional home stager even if you aren't re-selling. Do you have a friend, family member or neighbour whose home you admire? Invite them for dinner and ask them for suggestions or assistance. Have your own "Trading Spaces" event within your own home. Get two rooms done in two days with the help of your teenagers and family. Have a professional decorator oversee the projects. Simple transformations can make an all around impact in your life in ways you would least expect it. Let's get you started for the New Year. To your success, Floydilou As mentioned above, here is my experience that brings me to the passionate 'transformation specialist'. I am an accredited CSP, Certified Staging Professional - the art and technique of preparing a home for sale beyond de-cluttering. I am a 22 years veteran in the restaurant industry - front of house, mostly face paced, high turnover or pub style I have 15 years in a direct sales herbal and botanical cosmetic company, - from Hollywood makeovers to personal development training |
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I am passionate about showing others how they can dream again and truly work their own business that gives them fulfillment Archives
July 2015