What we can learn from comic genius, Tim ConwayOne of my favourite comic television characters is 'The Old Man' on The Carol Burnett Show. As a comment on the post states, " I love that Conway has the comic presence to know he's completely shattered the illusion of the sketch by breaking the fake wall, so he ends it perfectly by just walking through the window. Brilliant." So my question to you in this simple blog post is, 'What do you do to fix the problem quickly? Do you whine, panic, cry or quit?....or do you enjoy the moment and go with it! Please feel free to share your thoughts or your own outtakes. To your success, Floydilou
![]() _The other night I was watching the T.V. show, Restaurant Impossible. At the end of the show, the restaurant owner, filled with emotion, says, "It's light, bright and a new lease on life." Tears came to my eyes as I watched this hard working boomer who was 'stuck'. He owned and operated his business for 30 years and he was desperate to bring pride back to himself and his wife. The restaurant wasn't doing well and that made him feel like a failure. Not true! Sometimes you just need to allow yourself to hand over your control to someone else who can see you and your business in its best light. It will give you a new lease on life. I enjoy make-over shows, whether it's for homes, businesses or people. My friend, Jenn Merritt , coined me as the 'transformation specialist'. I know how to transform people, places and businesses with my vast experience (mentioned below)...and I get my 'high' when we can do it quickly and affordably for you. A common phrase the astonished recipient of home or place transformations is , "It's so light, bright and airy!" You can feel their burdens being lifted. You can feel the new energy it provides. The next time you watch one of those 'room make-over' shows, I guarantee that you will most likely hear the words, light, bright and airy. Yep, you will think of me with a smirk on your face. Another common phrase always said after a personal transformation is, "Look at my eyes!" or "I can't believe I can look this good!" It's as though they are seeing themselves being beautiful for the first time with a new set of eyes....and it's only make-up! ...or hair...or clothes. 5 Action Steps To Start Transforming Your LIfe: 1) Treat yourself. Make the decision to re-direct your money to the one 'stuck' thing that bothers you most. You are worth it. 2) Personal Clutter - Hire a clutter coach. Hire a professional organizer. Hire a friend who is really good at organizing. 3) Mind Clutter - Start reading good personal development books. Do daily affirmations in front of your mirror. Write things down. 4) Business Clutter - Hire someone who is good a putting systems into place. Systems will give you freedom. 5) Home Clutter - Hire a professional home stager even if you aren't re-selling. Do you have a friend, family member or neighbour whose home you admire? Invite them for dinner and ask them for suggestions or assistance. Have your own "Trading Spaces" event within your own home. Get two rooms done in two days with the help of your teenagers and family. Have a professional decorator oversee the projects. Simple transformations can make an all around impact in your life in ways you would least expect it. Let's get you started for the New Year. To your success, Floydilou As mentioned above, here is my experience that brings me to the passionate 'transformation specialist'. I am an accredited CSP, Certified Staging Professional - the art and technique of preparing a home for sale beyond de-cluttering. I am a 22 years veteran in the restaurant industry - front of house, mostly face paced, high turnover or pub style I have 15 years in a direct sales herbal and botanical cosmetic company, - from Hollywood makeovers to personal development training ![]() As the New Year approaches, did you accomplish what you set out to do? " "Is your life any different from last year?" Would you like to start your own business but fear leaving your career...continue reading. If you have skill or passion in the following categories, I have 11 'off the hook' and low cost start-up biz ideas for you that are unique and exciting: Business/Personal Development Books Mechanic or Cars Greeting cards Babies and Motherhood Art Cooking Parades Writing Rural Living Restaurants Video In today's world you can start your own business while maintaining your career.In matter of fact, I highly recommend you keep your job or your corporate position until you match your income. You can start your own business without spending daunting hours after long work days. Having a strong mentor and coach who helps you to laser focus, you can get much accomplished in a shorter period of time. Technology and other creative solutions such as interns, students, and virtual assistants can only expedite your journey as well. Your coach and mentor is able to hold your vision for you and guide you along so that each week and every quarter you see results. To start, I recommend working in 90 day increments. Most people can make a commitment for just about anything for 90 days. This allows you to take a step forward. If you don't start, what will change? Work with someone who not only understands what you want to accomplish but can really help guide you. There are consultants and coaches for specific niches such as lifestyle, health, relationship and business. Make a comment below and if you are seriously interested in starting a business for 2012, let's talk. I love showing and guiding people on how to turn their passion and skill set into a profitable business, quicklly and affordably. Will you take me up on the offer?! I look forward to connecting. To your success, Floydilou ![]() Passion is the main secret between people who spring out of bed in the morning ready to take on the day and those who just simply trudge through the responsibilities of life. My friend, Lora Colautti, once shared a powerful term with me - Passion Plan. The Passion Plan is a step by step guide to discovering and developing your personal passion. Most people are not lucky enough to get to live their dreams and passion. Instead, they work a 40 hour a week job pay their bills and just get by. It doesn’t have to be that way. Many times discovering your passion is the best way to start a profitable business. In order to find your passion you have to search deep inside your soul. Start by asking yourself questions such as “If I could do anything what would it be?” Or “If I could spend each day doing something, what would it be?” And "If money were no object, the bills were being paid, and my house was paid for, what would I be doing every day?" Answering these questions is the first step to devising your own Passion Plan. Devising your own passion plan is the first step to finding personal and professional happiness. People who are happy do things better and with more confidence, which always equates to more success. More success breeds more happiness so it becomes a positive circle that your life is wrapped up in. Start to find your passion and see how it can equate into profits for you. When you are doing something you love it never feels like you work a day in your life. The first step to becoming that kind of person is to identify your passion and put a plan into place to start making it a part of your everyday life. In the coming days, I'll be sharing an incredible offer with you that will help you discover your passion and your purpose. Stay tuned...there's more to come soon! _ ![]() Finding yourself and getting lost sounds like quite the contradiction. The reality is that sometimes to find yourself, you have to get lost. By getting lost I mean letting yourself live in the moment a little more. With everyone’s hectic lifestyles these days we can often forget that we have to make time that is all about us. Getting lost also means getting out of your daily routine and shaking up your life by doing something outrageous or spontaneous. Do something that gets you out of your everyday enviroment. I always recommend travel, but even if it’s a simple daily or weekly action that can work too. When we were children, the world was all about finding ourselves. What did we want to be when we grew up? What clubs/groups would open up more opportunities? Once we get older, we get caught into more of the day to day and don’t spend nearly as much time discovering and implementing what truly makes us happy. Although we can’t walk away from our responsibilities, it is important to find the time time to discover what really matters to you. Even if you only have a little time each week to discovering yourself you need to do it. Think about something you used to love that you just don’t seem to have time for anymore and spend a little time doing it. This brings back the memory of what passion for something feels like. Passion is the single biggest factor between a life of happiness and success and a life of mediocrity. Lose yourself for a while and see how quick you find your true self again. Not your Mom or Dad self or your work self but your real personal self. Finding that person again will not only bring more happiness but also more success to your life. What are some things that YOU'VE done to get lost and find yourself? Please feel free to share your experiences and discoveries. |
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July 2015