Be the talk of the town. Have a 'stand out' business that makes you proud, have more time and more cash flow.
Does your business need more customers and more money coming in? You are working hard and you are tired. You wish you could leave your brick and mortar for 1 day and spend it with the family.
Have you paid too much in advertising? You have tried everything. You are out of ideas. Your business is lacking pizazz. You have invested too much time and money and cannot shut down yet. You are 'stuck' and not sure why? You have a deep desire to 'break out' and live BIG! ....but you just don't know the best way to start or how to start. Transform your business quickly and easily here . Fabulous people in my life. All of whom I have worked alongside, inspired or consulted. Giving us all the opportunity to be more do more and have more. Check back weekly for the next fab person to be highlighted.Senior Support Specialist and Student Home Stay
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Floydilou has been an amazing cheerleader and fountain of knowledge while I began my journey to explore using all of my talents. She mentored me and my several business ideas and gave me the tools to focus on one idea. A few months later, I decided to go with my entire idea and I called Floydilou and told her "let's do it!" Two weeks later, we developed our launch with a website and a facebook page and now we are live! I wouldn't have done it without Floydilou! Chantelle Foreman |
Image Expert for Women Entrepreneurs
![]() It only took one coffee meeting with Floydilou and in 2 weeks I have a full out business with website, copy, design, tagline and elevator pitch. My first client came to me within 2 days . I didn't even have business card or website yet. Just 1 idea and collaborating with Floydilou and I was in business. As a woman who loves to take action quickly, I appreciated her same enthusiasm of 'Let's get it done'. ....and DONE it was. Denise Rivait Purposeful Life Coaching
![]() Masterminding with Floydilou has allowed me to look at
parts of my business from a new perspective. Floydilou has allowed me to imagine ideas I never would have thought of on my own. Her experience in business and in networking have helped me to connect to people and opportunities in a way that has powerfully supported my business. I remember when I was having resistance to participating in a specific business opportunity and now, because of her guidance, I have taken the steps to make it happen and the positive results are coming to me ten fold! Learning from Floydilou is fun, empowering and produces results! Floydilou is in touch with what works for people in any kind of business. She knows how to "work it" while being connected to self LORA COLAUTTI: "Everyone Can Use a Little PLC" Salon Consultant
![]() Floydilou gave me the confidence to try something new and exciting. With her genuine encouragement, she allowed me to see an opportunity to realize my full potential. RONNI TESOLIN: Owner of Duets Hair Studio. Ph: 519-956-9599 & Salon Consultant, Your Short Cut To Opening A Successful Salon Digital Artist
![]() Collaborating with Floydilou has provided me with so much inspiration, ideas and clarity to help me move forward in my business. She brings a fresh perspective and fabulous ideas to the table, which I can then take action on and move forward with." JESS WEBB: Creating a Beautiful and Delicious Online Presence for the Female Entrepreneur Reiki Teacher and Empowerment Mentoring
![]() This business Savvy woman will take your business to the next level with her 'on the fly' approach to making changes from an intuitive point of view, she'll have your head spinning and your pocketbook overflowing in no time at all! JENN MERRITT: |
Helping Busy Execs Shine
![]() I met with Floydilou to discuss the possibility of starting a business that utilized my talents. During our consultation she immediately put a plan into place that included the packages and services I could offer. She asked me, "When would you like to start this business?" I hadn't really thought about it as it was only a 'wish'. I answered, "in 6 months". "Why 6 months?", she asks. I really didn't have a concrete answer just a few excuses. She then says, "Let's get your business up and running in the next 2 weeks. It's doable. Even with 1 or 2 clients it is a good start. You have to start somewhere."
Shelly Ruzgys Are You Next?!
![]() Would you like to be the next person to be highlighted! You have a business inside of you and may not even know it yet! Set up a complementary consultation. Just fill in the contact form on the top right and we will set up a good time. We can have you in business in less than 30 days. It's business in a box....MADE EASY! ...and personalized just for you . Floydilou Visible Treasures
![]() _"Thanks for this awesome idea Floydilou!! Thought you would like to check out how I put your idea to results.
Check it out for yourself at to see how we stack up. Your idea allowed our company to show just how much extra value our customers receive due to our lean corporate structure. In today's economy we know how important it is for our customers to have their money go further, and we are thrilled Visible Treasures can be part of the solution." Sharon Purtill: Co-Founder of Visible Treasures...Visibly Beautiful Network Marketing and School Teacher
![]() Floydilou is result driven and if anyone can move your business to the next level, she can. She has allowed me to clarify my vision for my business and to have laser focus in reaching my goals. LIA FEDERICO: Business success the traditional way. Beauty and Skin Care Advisor
![]() I have had the pleasure to know Floydilou for 18 years. Working with her allowed me to look deep withing myself and challenge myself to become the stronger more confident person I am today. It has been the most rewarding experience in my life. I learned that everything is within reach for everyone.
Collaborating with Floydilou gave me the opportunity to discover that I had many great inspiring ideas of my own that others wanted to hear about. Her time was always in demand and she managed to juggle everything she had to deal with and be there for everyone! She ignites the passion within all of us with her gentle ways and I only wish the best for her in everything she decides to do. The world is at your fingertips! ANNIE MACDOUGALL: Independent Executive District Manager, Ph. 416-626-3992 |