![]() As I headed off to a recent trip to San Miguel De Allende, Mexico, I received many well wishes from friends with the comment, 'Enjoy a margarita on the beach for me' or 'be safe'. Every time it was said, I felt as though I had to explain that Mexico is more that white sand beaches and margaritas and safer than most major American cities that the general population visit. San Miguel is in central Mexico. It is 6,000 feet above sea level in the beautiful mountains. The temperature drops to 40F in the evening. We wear jackets and scarves. Some even wear winter coats. San Miguel is an art and cultural hub with many international educational workshops and conferences. I would walk down the streets alone in the evening and never question my safety. It got me to thinking how often our well meaning comments are somewhat ignorant. Born and raised in Canada and living on the border city of Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. , we often hear people ask us about our skiing or cold weather. Meanwhile the city I am from is the same latitude as the northern tip of California. If I were to cross the border into Detroit, for an evening in the downtown core (as I did in San Miguel) I feel not nearly as safe. Until we actually visit the countries and cities, we then can base our opinions from what we hear in the media. In my opinion, traveling is the best education, hands down. It changes perceptions. It is tactile. It also bring us all closer together as one. It is man who created borders. When an astronaut looks from space he/she does not see borders. I encourage everyone to travel more (including myself!). The video below is a art opening in one of my favourite Mexican cities, Merida, Yucatan. Is this what you think of when you think of Mexico? I know I probably have preconceived ideas of many other places across this wonderful globe....and I look forward to the world changing it! To more wonderful travels, Floydilou
![]() Recently I read on a post where increasing your net worth isn't sexy. Well, If it is easy it is sleazy. Net worth takes time to build but in my opinion, net worth is sexy! 10 Steps to Increase Your Net Worth with 10 Sexy Bonuses! 1) Change your investments*: I think Apple and Virgin are Sexy, don't you?! Invest in companies that float your boat. Bonus: Feel good with what you are investing in. Sexy is feeling good. 2) Change what you invest* in: The world is moving at a fast pace. Keep up with trends and new products available to you. Bonus: Keeps you on your toes and present. Living in the present moment is sexy. 3) Use your skill and bring it to the marketplace: Start your own business! Bonus: You are using your gift and sharing it to the world. Sharing is sexy. 4) Get a part time job: Whether you own a business or work full-time you can find a casual part-time job that fulfills a 'want.' Example: fitness club reception or direct sales Bonus: Get into shape for free! Healthy is sexy. 5) Add an additional revenue stream in your business: There is always a way to find an additional revenue stream Bonus: You have increased the value of your business along with immediate income. Money is sexy. 6) Cut back on expenses: Can you go without cable? Can you switch your landline to a VOIP, such as Magic Jack. Bonus: You become more aware of what is really important. Sexy is connecting to your values. 7) Reduce your interest rates: Call up your creditor and ask them 'how much can you reduce that rate?' Bonus: With the interest you just saved, put that money into your "Fun" money jar. Fun is sexy. 8) Pay off the credit cards: With your reduced expenses, lowered rates and extra revenue coming in, pay off your cards! Bonus: You sleep better and longer when you are credit card debt free. You age slower. Vibrancy is sexy. 9) Education: School is never out for the pro. What workshops can you take online? What books can you read? Bonus: You become more confident. A well read and educated confident person is sexy. 10) Philanthropy: When you give, you get back in tenfold. Bonus: Giving to the community and our world is sexy. Here's to increasing your net worth, Floydilou (NOTE: * When it comes to making financial decisions with stock market / investments please speak with your financial advisor. ) Last Minute Shopping? Beat The Crowds: Shop at Local Independent Retailers. It's a Win Win!12/15/2011 ![]() _Here is an edited version of a viral email going around with great gift ideas to support your local community. Support your small business owners and independent retailers to keep their doors open. Remember, folks this isn't about big National chains. And the great news is that you will beat all the crowds of people and jammed parking lots. Who wouldn't want everything on this list?! I know that I could use and would appreciate every gift listed here. 1 Most people get their hair cut. How about gift certificates from your local hair salon or barber? 2) Gym membership. Yoga Classes. Dance Classes. It's appropriate for all ages who are thinking about some health improvement. 3) Car Detailing. Small, owner operated detail shops and car washes would love to sell you a gift certificate. 4) Need a big ticket item? Driveway sealed, lawn mowed for the summer or driveway plowed all winter, games at the local golf course. 5) Owner-run restaurants -- all offering gift certificates. If your intended isn't the fancy eatery sort, what about a half dozen breakfasts at the local breakfast joint? 6) How many people couldn't use an oil change for their car, truck or motorcycle, done at a shop run by a local working guy? 7) Heartfelt gift for mom? Mom would LOVE the services of a local cleaning lady for a day. 8) Computer tune-up? Find some young guy who is trying to get his repair business up and running. 9) More personal? Local crafts people spin their own wool and knit them into scarves. They make jewelry, and pottery and beautiful wooden boxes. 10) A business coach or personal life coach. How about Floydilou's Festivepreneur Special! 11) Original Art - such as Artcite's "Doin' the Louvre" with all items under $100. Plan your holiday outings at local, owner operated restaurants and leave your server a nice tip. And, how about going out to see a play or ballet at your hometown theatre? Musicians need love too, so find a venue showcasing local bands. Please comment below and share your ideas on great gift ideas to support our local people, small business owners and community. To your success - and Happy Holiday Shopping! Floydilou ![]() _The other night I was watching the T.V. show, Restaurant Impossible. At the end of the show, the restaurant owner, filled with emotion, says, "It's light, bright and a new lease on life." Tears came to my eyes as I watched this hard working boomer who was 'stuck'. He owned and operated his business for 30 years and he was desperate to bring pride back to himself and his wife. The restaurant wasn't doing well and that made him feel like a failure. Not true! Sometimes you just need to allow yourself to hand over your control to someone else who can see you and your business in its best light. It will give you a new lease on life. I enjoy make-over shows, whether it's for homes, businesses or people. My friend, Jenn Merritt , coined me as the 'transformation specialist'. I know how to transform people, places and businesses with my vast experience (mentioned below)...and I get my 'high' when we can do it quickly and affordably for you. A common phrase the astonished recipient of home or place transformations is , "It's so light, bright and airy!" You can feel their burdens being lifted. You can feel the new energy it provides. The next time you watch one of those 'room make-over' shows, I guarantee that you will most likely hear the words, light, bright and airy. Yep, you will think of me with a smirk on your face. Another common phrase always said after a personal transformation is, "Look at my eyes!" or "I can't believe I can look this good!" It's as though they are seeing themselves being beautiful for the first time with a new set of eyes....and it's only make-up! ...or hair...or clothes. 5 Action Steps To Start Transforming Your LIfe: 1) Treat yourself. Make the decision to re-direct your money to the one 'stuck' thing that bothers you most. You are worth it. 2) Personal Clutter - Hire a clutter coach. Hire a professional organizer. Hire a friend who is really good at organizing. 3) Mind Clutter - Start reading good personal development books. Do daily affirmations in front of your mirror. Write things down. 4) Business Clutter - Hire someone who is good a putting systems into place. Systems will give you freedom. 5) Home Clutter - Hire a professional home stager even if you aren't re-selling. Do you have a friend, family member or neighbour whose home you admire? Invite them for dinner and ask them for suggestions or assistance. Have your own "Trading Spaces" event within your own home. Get two rooms done in two days with the help of your teenagers and family. Have a professional decorator oversee the projects. Simple transformations can make an all around impact in your life in ways you would least expect it. Let's get you started for the New Year. To your success, Floydilou As mentioned above, here is my experience that brings me to the passionate 'transformation specialist'. I am an accredited CSP, Certified Staging Professional - the art and technique of preparing a home for sale beyond de-cluttering. I am a 22 years veteran in the restaurant industry - front of house, mostly face paced, high turnover or pub style I have 15 years in a direct sales herbal and botanical cosmetic company, - from Hollywood makeovers to personal development training ![]() As the New Year approaches, did you accomplish what you set out to do? " "Is your life any different from last year?" Would you like to start your own business but fear leaving your career...continue reading. If you have skill or passion in the following categories, I have 11 'off the hook' and low cost start-up biz ideas for you that are unique and exciting: Business/Personal Development Books Mechanic or Cars Greeting cards Babies and Motherhood Art Cooking Parades Writing Rural Living Restaurants Video In today's world you can start your own business while maintaining your career.In matter of fact, I highly recommend you keep your job or your corporate position until you match your income. You can start your own business without spending daunting hours after long work days. Having a strong mentor and coach who helps you to laser focus, you can get much accomplished in a shorter period of time. Technology and other creative solutions such as interns, students, and virtual assistants can only expedite your journey as well. Your coach and mentor is able to hold your vision for you and guide you along so that each week and every quarter you see results. To start, I recommend working in 90 day increments. Most people can make a commitment for just about anything for 90 days. This allows you to take a step forward. If you don't start, what will change? Work with someone who not only understands what you want to accomplish but can really help guide you. There are consultants and coaches for specific niches such as lifestyle, health, relationship and business. Make a comment below and if you are seriously interested in starting a business for 2012, let's talk. I love showing and guiding people on how to turn their passion and skill set into a profitable business, quicklly and affordably. Will you take me up on the offer?! I look forward to connecting. To your success, Floydilou Today is Cyber Monday, and with only a few hours left to purchase 3 Money Making Sizzle Sessions at a great savings, I wanted to share with you what to expect with your Sizzle Calls. I promise you that your 3 calls will change your cash flow. You will have a new way to introduce more revenue streams into your business or your personal life. You will have a simple strategy that can be implemented easily that will not cost a lot of money. You'll receive a customized 'out of the box' plan of action just for you. This is not cookie cutter.
I welcome your questions and look forward to working with you! ![]() Sometimes the best way to figure out how to do something is just to do it. Many people get stuck in the planning process and become so overwhelmed by it that they never get to the part of actual doing something. Although good planning is not always a bad thing, over planning and over analyzing can lead to missed opportunities. You may wonder, “Well if I don’t do all the planning what if I do something wrong?” The answer is that is okay. Mistakes are one of the best ways to learn. You learn far more by doing something and making a mistake you then to try to plan ahead for everything. Even with the best planning many times you will still make several mistakes. Rather than trying to anticipate and avoid those mistakes, get out there and make them and learn from there. There is no better way to become successful at something than by just immersing yourself in it and going forward! As you move through the steps of doing something, you will find out the how along the way. Doing and learning also offers another advantage that is that you can learn in baby steps and break down a large task into several small steps. This can make it easier to accomplish and make you more successful. The next time you have a new idea that you want to do in your personal or professional life, start by getting in there and getting your hands dirty! You will figure out the how along the way once you start to act. And if you really want to ACT NOW and implement your savviest idea, contact me to find out how I can help you _start living your passionate best today. ![]() "Be helpful. When you see a person without a smile, give him yours." -- Zig Ziglar Some people think the idea that you can change the way you live is by being more positive is ridiculous. That could not be further from the truth. Though a positive attitude and the power of a smile, it keeps your spirits up to get through the more difficult times. A smile is also a great gift. Sometimes a simple smile for someone is enough to lift their spirits. The best thing about smiles is that they are free and take little effort. Yet, the power of a smile can have a profound effect on your mood and those around you. Next time you are feeling uneasy or unhappy just smile! Smile alone, smile at other people but whatever you do just smile. See how quickly it can bring your mood up and allow you to plow through whatever you need to tackle or think about. Being happy is a personal choice you make everyday. You can choose to be happy or you can choose not to be. The power of a smile is so simple and so easy. Even if you don’t believe a smile can change your day, try it anyway, it costs you nothing and just might bring a whole lot of happiness your way. I challenge you to smile to 5 people today unexpectedly. Then come back here and share your experience. |
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July 2015