Last month I followed a post on Facebook that begged the question, 'When can your persistance in follow-up become an annoyance?' It really must be done through the permission of a good relationship. There is a balance that must be adhered to along with respect. A gentleman by the name of Robert Redmonds commented on the post and shared these words of wisdom: Respect with Perseverance. I loved that comment and couldn't agree more. Know when to continue and when to stop. Follow up with unexpected ways that are non intrusive. It doesn't always have to be a phone call. A simple greeting card that simply says, 'Hi, have a great day' is more effective than another email. When you see an article in a magazine or newspaper that relates to their business or their hobby, send it. Ask yourself, 'How can you make them laugh or smile?' Always ask them if you can continue to stay in touch. Here are a couple more comments: David - " I find that asking clients when would they like me to get back to them works well. Then you can persevere over a long time. They'll eventually need us :-) " Roland - 'Peristency is the key! Right attitude is next. Good business relationship sustains." How about you? How often do you stay in touch with a prospect? What do you do to not be a nuisance. Please feel free to leave your comments below. Floydilou
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Step into your spotlight. OWN your message. Move with purpose. Speak confidently. Present yourself authentically. Have you ever noticed the way people walk down the street when you are sitting at an outdoor cafe? Do you notice how people network at a business function? Even if this isn't something we have thought about, we know that people's body language speaks volumes. I am not a body language expert, however, I do know who I like to connect to personally and professionally. I also know who commands my respect. I love people watching. I find that how a person walks can tell so much of who they are, how they work and how they receive energy. Working as a waitress and bartender for many years, I would immediately be able to assess the style of service my co-worker would give simply by their walk. I walk fast and move around fast. My service is fast. As a customer you would come to my section if you needed efficiency and to get back to your office meeting in 30 minutes. (I only lasted 2 weeks in fine dining...too slow for If a co-worker was slower in their walk, it did not mean they were incompetent. It could mean they were orderly and systematic. It could be that a customer who liked to chat and be leisurely may enjoy that service more. With that being said, guess what you can expect from me when hiring me for consulting or business ideas?....yep, FAST. As long as you OWN your actions and how you present yourself with authenticity and you are working/living in your pocket, the spotlight will shine on you. You will stand out. It's about being the best you can be and attracting the best match of people and clients to you. Would you do business with someone who walked aimlessly? Had no conviction? How do you talk or present yourself. Are you upbeat and well groomed? When you give your 30 second intro or you simply meet someone do you have that same strong conviction? We know that a firm handshake and eye contact translates to confidence as well as interest. In your business it is essential to present yourself authentically. If you are shy, that is okay, however learn how to be in the spotlight YOUR way. OWN it. I remember teaching a very shy person how to prospect for clients easily at the grocery store. She could do it with ease, once we discovered how to do it authentically. We were able to focus on her strengths. She could OWN it with confidence. Be aware of your essence. Is the energy you are putting out in your walk/talk/posture truly how you want to be? Are there things you can improve? Do you know what could be improved? There are professionals that can guide you and coach you. People are watching you even when you don't think they are. Shine bright in your spotlight...always. To your success, Floydilou Finding yourself and getting lost sounds like quite the contradiction. The reality is that sometimes to find yourself, you have to get lost. By getting lost I mean letting yourself live in the moment a little more. With everyone’s hectic lifestyles these days we can often forget that we have to make time that is all about us. Getting lost also means getting out of your daily routine and shaking up your life by doing something outrageous or spontaneous. Do something that gets you out of your everyday enviroment. I always recommend travel, but even if it’s a simple daily or weekly action that can work too. When we were children, the world was all about finding ourselves. What did we want to be when we grew up? What clubs/groups would open up more opportunities? Once we get older, we get caught into more of the day to day and don’t spend nearly as much time discovering and implementing what truly makes us happy. Although we can’t walk away from our responsibilities, it is important to find the time time to discover what really matters to you. Even if you only have a little time each week to discovering yourself you need to do it. Think about something you used to love that you just don’t seem to have time for anymore and spend a little time doing it. This brings back the memory of what passion for something feels like. Passion is the single biggest factor between a life of happiness and success and a life of mediocrity. Lose yourself for a while and see how quick you find your true self again. Not your Mom or Dad self or your work self but your real personal self. Finding that person again will not only bring more happiness but also more success to your life. What are some things that YOU'VE done to get lost and find yourself? Please feel free to share your experiences and discoveries. Yesterday, I went to a networking event at Elmara Flowers located in Windsor, Ontario. As soon as I walked in the door,
I knew I was going to enjoy a wonderful evening. When I got home that evening, I sat back and thought about the experience. It made me wonder, "What makes a networking event successful?" Here are the top 10 things that were done. 1) Atmosphere ~Upon entry there were friendly greeters at the front door and a DJ playing music 2) Organization ~ A receiving table, sign up sheets and name tags with plenty of pens. 3) A Welcoming Hostess ~ Alicia Elmara, was quick to introduce herself with a big beautiful welcoming smile. 4) Food and Refreshments ~ Plenty and a great variety for all to enjoy. 5) A Platform for Introductions ~ In this particular case, a microphone was available at the front of the room for introductions. 6) A Photographer ~ Whether professional or amateur, have someone designated to capture everyone having fun . 7) Door Prizes ~ Who doesn't enjoy winning a little somethin', somethin'? 8) Support Team ~ People who can help to introduce people and connect them. Some people are shy. 9) Over Deliver ~ Keep the price point reasonable and give everyone more than expected. THIS FREE EVENT shocked us all! 10) Follow-up ~ After each event, thank all those who came. A thank you card in the mail will make the best impact. What experiences have you had with networking events? Any favourite tips? Please feel free to leave your comments or suggestions below! |
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July 2015