As I headed off to a recent trip to San Miguel De Allende, Mexico, I received many well wishes from friends with the comment, 'Enjoy a margarita on the beach for me' or 'be safe'. Every time it was said, I felt as though I had to explain that Mexico is more that white sand beaches and margaritas and safer than most major American cities that the general population visit. San Miguel is in central Mexico. It is 6,000 feet above sea level in the beautiful mountains. The temperature drops to 40F in the evening. We wear jackets and scarves. Some even wear winter coats. San Miguel is an art and cultural hub with many international educational workshops and conferences. I would walk down the streets alone in the evening and never question my safety. It got me to thinking how often our well meaning comments are somewhat ignorant. Born and raised in Canada and living on the border city of Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. , we often hear people ask us about our skiing or cold weather. Meanwhile the city I am from is the same latitude as the northern tip of California. If I were to cross the border into Detroit, for an evening in the downtown core (as I did in San Miguel) I feel not nearly as safe. Until we actually visit the countries and cities, we then can base our opinions from what we hear in the media. In my opinion, traveling is the best education, hands down. It changes perceptions. It is tactile. It also bring us all closer together as one. It is man who created borders. When an astronaut looks from space he/she does not see borders. I encourage everyone to travel more (including myself!). The video below is a art opening in one of my favourite Mexican cities, Merida, Yucatan. Is this what you think of when you think of Mexico? I know I probably have preconceived ideas of many other places across this wonderful globe....and I look forward to the world changing it! To more wonderful travels, Floydilou
Last month I followed a post on Facebook that begged the question, 'When can your persistance in follow-up become an annoyance?' It really must be done through the permission of a good relationship. There is a balance that must be adhered to along with respect. A gentleman by the name of Robert Redmonds commented on the post and shared these words of wisdom: Respect with Perseverance. I loved that comment and couldn't agree more. Know when to continue and when to stop. Follow up with unexpected ways that are non intrusive. It doesn't always have to be a phone call. A simple greeting card that simply says, 'Hi, have a great day' is more effective than another email. When you see an article in a magazine or newspaper that relates to their business or their hobby, send it. Ask yourself, 'How can you make them laugh or smile?' Always ask them if you can continue to stay in touch. Here are a couple more comments: David - " I find that asking clients when would they like me to get back to them works well. Then you can persevere over a long time. They'll eventually need us :-) " Roland - 'Peristency is the key! Right attitude is next. Good business relationship sustains." How about you? How often do you stay in touch with a prospect? What do you do to not be a nuisance. Please feel free to leave your comments below. Floydilou I must confess, when I first started in the Facebook world, I thought it was important to get as many 'likes' as I could. C'mon, you know what I makes you look good, right? Yes, building your list is your #1 investment, however it is important to get the right people to 'like' you. What does that mean, 'the right people'? It is the people who are interested in your message and your services. So when you post, 'Hey, go 'like' my page so I can reach 100 people, it doesn't serve you nor does it serve your friends and network. Why should your meat eating, hunter cousin 'like' your vegetarian lifestyle page? HERE IS A SIMPLE FIX TO ASK FOR MORE 'LIKES' THAT ARE TARGETED: Instead, simply ask your friends or business network to share your page to the people they believe would be interested. Here is an example: 'Hey friends, I have a new recipe for the tastiest Kale Salad, can you share my page to people you know that may be interested. I would love to connect with other vegetarians. Much appreciated'. Added bonus: you have reached into their network of friends not just yours. They are helping you reach out to a targeted person without feeling obligated to click the 'like' button just because you are 'family'. Fortunately, I hired a social media specialist to be part of my team in the beginning of my journey in marketing with social media. She got me back on the right track with targeted followers and 'likes'. Social media done with specific protocols and strategies is a beautiful thing. I see too many business owners making simple mistakes that doesn't serve them well. I highly recommend that business owners invest in a virtual social media assistant as part of their team. It is worth every penny...and then some. To your social media success, Floydilou P.S. If you know any business owners who could benefit about marketing online with grace and effectiveness, please share this blog post with them, Of recent, I have been meeting and consulting with small business owners. I am noticing a trend. If your business isn't giving you more time and customers aren't walking in the door spending more money, something needs to change. Wouldn't you agree? People in my age category and older are still doing business as they did 10 years ago or even longer! There is a new way to do business. It is vital that the traditional storefront business embraces the online world and that the online businesses learn how to build a business with offline basics. Doing business in today's world requires polarization. You must define and focus on a specific market. Find a way to stand out from the others in your industry. Uncover ways to give you more time with simple leveraging solutions. When you are open to change, the change will come. You can have more time and more money. It's time for you to refresh, reinvent and revitalize your business. As the famous saying goes, "If you keep doing what you are doing and you expect a different result, that is the definition of insanity." For some of the reasons above, I am excited to announce my own revitalization, refreshing and re-invention. In another month we are rolling out with a new brand and defined focus. It will help business owners really take centre stage in their community so they can live the lifestyle of their dreams. To Doing Business The New Way, Floydilou As the New Year approaches, did you accomplish what you set out to do? " "Is your life any different from last year?" Would you like to start your own business but fear leaving your career...continue reading. If you have skill or passion in the following categories, I have 11 'off the hook' and low cost start-up biz ideas for you that are unique and exciting: Business/Personal Development Books Mechanic or Cars Greeting cards Babies and Motherhood Art Cooking Parades Writing Rural Living Restaurants Video In today's world you can start your own business while maintaining your career.In matter of fact, I highly recommend you keep your job or your corporate position until you match your income. You can start your own business without spending daunting hours after long work days. Having a strong mentor and coach who helps you to laser focus, you can get much accomplished in a shorter period of time. Technology and other creative solutions such as interns, students, and virtual assistants can only expedite your journey as well. Your coach and mentor is able to hold your vision for you and guide you along so that each week and every quarter you see results. To start, I recommend working in 90 day increments. Most people can make a commitment for just about anything for 90 days. This allows you to take a step forward. If you don't start, what will change? Work with someone who not only understands what you want to accomplish but can really help guide you. There are consultants and coaches for specific niches such as lifestyle, health, relationship and business. Make a comment below and if you are seriously interested in starting a business for 2012, let's talk. I love showing and guiding people on how to turn their passion and skill set into a profitable business, quicklly and affordably. Will you take me up on the offer?! I look forward to connecting. To your success, Floydilou |
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July 2015